I was never afraid of demons as a Witness. I guess I'm strange, but I had a morbid fascination with them. I knew "Jehovah would protect me," and talk of demons was a bit like reading a good Stephen King book. I still have interest in stories, but I know they're only tales--there's no truth I can find in any of them. I never saw the demons as mean, though. I pictured them as irresponsible jokers who liked to scare the shit out of people. :-)
John Doe
JoinedPosts by John Doe
me and the deemunz
by katiekitten ini was lucky to have been brought up in the troof, because if i hadnt, i wouldnt have known about the demons and how they are always looking for opportunities to lead us astray by appearing as ghosties, or by making household objects float, or by getting into our house through items bought from car boot sales.. my first memories of the deemunz was quite early, say aged 5 or 6. i used to think they were at the end of the bed, and so i had to sleep with my legs curled up as tightly as possible, so they wouldnt get my toes.
i cant even begin to think what terrible things they were going to do with my piggies, but sure as the apostles i wasnt going to give them a chance.. aged 7 or 8 i knew the deemunz were after me, because i was special.
i was a jehobas witness.
When Jehovah's Witnesses do bad - Are criticisms of JW's valid? Part I
by rambaldi inwhen we see news reports of jehovahs witnesses who are reported to have done something bad, what do we think?
sometimes people ridicule us for that.
obey and become his special property, disobey and be rejected.
John Doe
Just a thought that occurred to me while reading this thread. Wonder if he/she is counting this as part of their "time?" Isn't if funny how you people always go back to that? That and the thing about "You shouldn't be here". And talk about who is not original.
And yet, you are still disobeying the organization in the same way. Who's not original? I pointed out that you are contradicting yourself. I'm still waiting for an answer or a justification. As a tip, starting any sentence with "you people" is inflamatory and is not meant to help anyone. Are you, as one of "God's people," supposed to be encouraging all you meet to come to the organization? Is flaming people on this thread supportive of your organization in any way? Oh wait, this is probably another mistake, no?
Okay, I'm done for the night. I've got a test tomorrow that I'm going to be up all night studying for. Later.
When Jehovah's Witnesses do bad - Are criticisms of JW's valid? Part I
by rambaldi inwhen we see news reports of jehovahs witnesses who are reported to have done something bad, what do we think?
sometimes people ridicule us for that.
obey and become his special property, disobey and be rejected.
John Doe
Sorry guys, I'm stuttering tonight. This forum doesn't like Firefox very well. :-(
When Jehovah's Witnesses do bad - Are criticisms of JW's valid? Part I
by rambaldi inwhen we see news reports of jehovahs witnesses who are reported to have done something bad, what do we think?
sometimes people ridicule us for that.
obey and become his special property, disobey and be rejected.
John Doe
Was I referring to a religion? Not particularly. I was referring people who were in a relationship with God. Which they were. Since Jehovah's Witnesses today are in a relationship with God, it is a good way to refer to that.
Jane is a woman. Sally is a woman. Jane is pregnant. Since Jane is pregnant, saying that Sally is a pregnant woman is a good reference. Do you see your fundamental fallacy? Do I need to spell it out on a more elementary level? I don't mean to offend, I'm really trying to make sure you're following my statement, and I don't want to go over your head. If I'm talking too fast, just let me know, and I'll type slower. ;-)
When Jehovah's Witnesses do bad - Are criticisms of JW's valid? Part I
by rambaldi inwhen we see news reports of jehovahs witnesses who are reported to have done something bad, what do we think?
sometimes people ridicule us for that.
obey and become his special property, disobey and be rejected.
John Doe
duplicate post
When Jehovah's Witnesses do bad - Are criticisms of JW's valid? Part I
by rambaldi inwhen we see news reports of jehovahs witnesses who are reported to have done something bad, what do we think?
sometimes people ridicule us for that.
obey and become his special property, disobey and be rejected.
John Doe
duplicate post
When Jehovah's Witnesses do bad - Are criticisms of JW's valid? Part I
by rambaldi inwhen we see news reports of jehovahs witnesses who are reported to have done something bad, what do we think?
sometimes people ridicule us for that.
obey and become his special property, disobey and be rejected.
John Doe
duplicate post
When Jehovah's Witnesses do bad - Are criticisms of JW's valid? Part I
by rambaldi inwhen we see news reports of jehovahs witnesses who are reported to have done something bad, what do we think?
sometimes people ridicule us for that.
obey and become his special property, disobey and be rejected.
John Doe
Rambaldi, you speak of how Jehovah's people should choose to obey him and follow his will, which you purport to mean following the directions given from the governing body. You do realize that the society recommends not even looking at apostate material, don't you? So, do you think you should be excommunicated for not following the faithful and discreet slave?
I'm not telling you that I don't want to hear your viewpoints--I'm telling you I think you're implicity contradicting yourself. I welcome your views, but I do not agree with them.
You speak of a choice a child makes--to follow what their parents tell them to believe or to form their own beliefs. That means that, if they do not believe in the "truth," you're saying that the children should fake service in order to "follow Jehovah." I cannot agree with that. You cannot legitamately show that logical views of the world do not exist outside of "Jehovah's organization." I would not be dishonest to myself and my family by practicing something I didn't believe and preaching something I knew to be wrong. Yet, you hold that since I haven't arrived at the same conclusion as you have, I should be punished. I don't think highly of any organization that attempts to punish honest thinking.
Live 8! Like Jehovah's Witnesses, all talk and no possible action.
by free2beme inas i enjoy these concerts this weekend, where i got to see pink floyd perform.
i am reminded all the more how much us humans like to put on a good show, but really get very little done.
these artist have spent time, money and effort to end world hunger in africa.
John Doe
How much human aid and personal resources have you folks contributed to the needy?
Friend's Daughter Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes... Post Your Support
by FMZ in"k" was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes today.
her mother took her into the hospital this morning, where the diagnosis was made.
she will have to have shots of insulin every day for the rest of her life..
John Doe
I've been type one since I was five. Eating roughly the same amounts at regular intervals every day, and making sure to get your exercise are important--this helps the body to maintain more normal blood sugar. Sweets are not a problem, as long as they're eaten in moderation--half serving sizes are a good rule. It will take a while to get the insulin/exercise/diet regulated, but once you do there are not many limitations. Shots aren't bad, what hurts is the blood testing done in your fingers, but even this doesn't bother you after a bit.
Like anything that requires adjustment, it won't be fun for a while, but with the information that's now available, it's much easier than it used to be. (in the seventies shots were reusable and had to be boiled between uses) Also, keep in mind that your blood sugar WILL affect your mood. If it's too high or too low for too long, you're going to be cranky. Keep it in range, and you'll feel fine. Everyone one will offer their advice about how to live your life when they have little knowledge on the subject, and you have to learn to deal with that, which was the most annoying aspect of the disease for me. THe most important factor is to keep in touch with your doctor and figure out a program that works for you. Really, it's no big deal once you get the ins and outs worked out.